Saturday, December 29, 2007

Leaving Comments

The reason I started this blog was to provide a forum for parents/home facilitators to share their triumphs and challenges of homeschooling. Homeschooling is a tremendous undertaking and I thought that if HLP families had an on-line place to share resources and ideas and to post questions it would be valuable. Hopefully we'll even get families from other programs joining in the conversation.

One of the things that a blog can do is facilitate discussion and provide a place for people to provide links to useful resources. An example of this is the 'Blogging Links' box on the bottom right of this screen. There aren't a lot of links here yet, but I hope to add more (with your help) as time goes on.

What you are reading right now is a post. Anyone can respond to a post; this is a way to provide feedback and start an online conversation. Feedback or comments are really important to an effective blog. Leaving feedback is also a way to generate ongoing discussion which hopefully will spark off further reflection and questions, and may even encourage future collaboration. So please, leave a comment!

All you have to do is look at the end of a post and click onto the small 'comment' label. A new window will open where you can read other comments as well as leave your own comment. Write what you want to say in the box. If you want to stay anonymous, just click where it says 'anonymous' or you can use your own name or nickname. You do not have to have a 'blogger' account to be able to comment on this blog. Once you are happy with what you have written, click onto 'publish'. Remember, anyone anywhere in the world can read what you've posted, so it is important to maintain a civil tone!

I have the ability to moderate all comments which means I see them before I allow them to be published. This allows me to prevent inappropriate material to be automatically published such as spam. So don't worry if your comment does not appear on the blog straight away. If you respond to something I've posted, I will try to respond right away.

This is a group blog which means that more than one person can post articles. My goal is that over time this blog will be run by the HLP families. If you would like to have the ability to post on this blog, please send me an e-mail containing your name and the name of your child(ren) in our program. I'll send you an invite and you can start posting! This means that you will be able to introduce new topics or post questions/suggestions/reflections etc as opposed to just commenting on other people's posts.

I think that this could be a really exciting place for HLP families to access ideas and support from experts in the field--other homeschooling families! Please help to start the ball rolling and leave a comment, or request the ability to post. Let me know what you like or don't like about this blog, suggestions to improve it, or what you want to know about navigating around. If you'd rather connect with me via e-mail that's great too. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Note: paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 on commenting on a blog were modified from the blog 'Sarah's Musings' and her post titled 'Leaving Comments On My Blog'

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Why Blog?

I recently took a week long course on blogging and its use in education. A course blog was set up where all the students were able to post and comment on each other's posts. The collaboration and feedback was amazing. I couldn't help but think that a blog of this type would be helpful for families in our program. Wondering about how to motivate your 9 year old son to write creative stories? Post your question here and draw on the wealth of knowledge of our families and beyond in the blogosphere! So here goes, whether you're a blogging pro or a newbie, I hope you'll get something out of this blog :-)